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At PHP, we care about your good health. That is why we provide you with healthcare coverage that emphasizes preventive care.

PHP can team with you to help promote employee health. Finding potential health problems before they require costly treatment and offering a variety of opportunities to help your employees adopt a healthier lifestyle are just a few of the ways we help to decrease healthcare costs.

Please be sure to verify with PHP Customer Service that these programs are included in your benefit plan before receiving services, as there are some restrictions.

We offer the following resources as part of our Health and Wellness program:

We can help!

In conjunction with any well care benefits an employer may select, PHP sends out various educational and informational pieces and also works with employers who wish to institute employee health education programs and various wellness initiatives. These efforts include:

PHP Health Tips

Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every little bit adds up to better fitness.

Save on Healthcare Costs

Being a savvy healthcare consumer isn't always easy, but the good news is that we're here to help! Check out these tools and tips to start saving.

We’re Here to Help

When we say we're here to help, we really mean it. PHP is a no-robot zone – that means when you contact us, someone from our Indiana office will be ready and happy to assist you.

Let's talk