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From the PHP Team

Practice Self-Care with Fall Cleaning

By: Hannah HoffmanWellness Program Coordinator

Prepare both mentally and physically for the seasonal transition to give yourself feelings of control and clarity.

Fall Cleaning

The transition between summer and fall is a great time to do some seasonal cleaning. Whether it’s a brisk Saturday clean or a multiple day overhaul, a little T.L.C. will ensure your home is as cozy as possible for the months to come. Here are some ideas to include in your fall cleaning checklist so you can prepare your space for a season filled with long weekends at home and holidays spent with loved ones.

  • Wash windows. Before the harsh weather of fall and winter set in, remove any build up of dirt, grime and dust. Window cleaning enhances the beauty of your home inside and out. Try an all-natural homemade solution of two parts vinegar to three parts water.
  • Wipe down doors. Give your doors a solid wipe down to prevent the spreading of seasonal colds.
  • Clear off and wipe down kitchen counters. The kitchen is often the center of the home, where everyone gathers. Dedicate a few minutes to clearing off and wiping down the counters and sink.
  • Organize kitchen cupboards. Toss out any expired food items. Food that hasn’t expired can be donated to a number of places, including your local food bank or homeless shelter.
  • Refresh the bathroom. Take this time to go through your beauty products and toss any expired or empty items, refresh towels, and wipe down all surfaces.
  • Soak your shower head. Fill a bag with vinegar and tie over your shower head, let it soak overnight, then remove and wipe down any residue.
  • Rotate bedroom mattress. To increase the lifespan of your mattress, rotate your mattress to even out the pressure on each zone.
  • Dust ceiling fans. Reduce allergens by dusting ceiling fan blades. While you’re up there, flip the fan’s direction switch: in fall and winter, blades should move clockwise to circulate heated air.
  • Don’t forget the outdoors. Cleaning gutters, storing away patio furniture, and switching out your gardening tools with snow shovels will set you up for the winter weather.

Fall cleaning is a way to mentally and physically prepare for the season. Starting the season with a clean slate can inspire mental clarity, encourage calm, and give you feelings of control over your space.