With the new year here, there is no better time than now to reflect and give thought to how we’d like to make this year different than the last. What do we want to maintain, change, and improve?
When it comes to health and wellness goals and successfully accomplishing them, studies show that only about 8% of new year resolutions actually succeed. Obviously, it takes more than a resolution to change behavior. Changing day-to-day behavior, or lifestyle, can be difficult, yet discipline and personal growth is important. Here are six tips to help you achieve this year's goals.
- Test out a new goal or a new way of accomplishing a goal. Maybe the diet you tried last year didn’t work for you or the exercise plan didn’t get the anticipated weight off that you wanted. Goals should not be thought of as “trial and error”, but more so as “trial and CORRECTION”. It’s all about figuring out what works for YOU and sometimes fresh, new goals can equal fresh, new fuel and motivation.
- Incorporate it into your daily life. The best way to make your goal sustainable, is by making it a lifestyle. Don’t burn yourself out by taking on too much. Start small and slowly incorporate the new goal/habit into your daily or weekly routine.
- Create physical reminders. If it’s not on your calendar, it’s not real. Put things into your schedule, whether it’s a workout, a run, or meal prepping for the next day. Use vision boards, index cards, and post-it notes with images and words that represent your goals. Place them where you will see them daily to stay motivated and committed.
- Take stock of what you believe in (your values). Don’t choose a goal just because it is what other people are doing. Ask yourself what kind of person you want to be…as a parent, a partner, a friend. Have you thought about what you value in your spiritual life, your politics, your community involvement, your own well-being? Does this align with your goals?
- Practice gratitude. Take inventory of and be thankful for what you have in your life that makes you feel joyful, safe, and resilient. A good gratitude practice to try is, as you are about to close your eyes for bed, ask yourself “what was the best part of my day today.
- Utilize your support system and resources. Asking for help is so important and has shown to help keep you more accountable to your goals. Who do you have in your life that could help support you and be an accountability partner? If you are feeling particularly alone, without a support system, your loneliness could actually be your biggest barrier. According to a survey from Cigna Health, loneliness is a pervasive and growing problem, particularly with Generation Z (18- to 24-year-olds) which, based on the responses, is the loneliest generation.
While you’re digging into WHO could support you, dig into WHAT resources are available to you. Many employers are scrambling to find ways to engage employees and make them more connected and appreciated. Seek advice from your HR department or an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) if your company offers this.
PHP Member Health and Wellness Opportunities
To help you along with your goals, PHP members have access to a host of online health and wellness resources such as well-being videos, fitness classes, and healthy recipes within our Get PHP Fit! Program offerings.
PHP also establishes quarterly wellness challenges to keep members focused throughout the year on their wellness goals. By completing the following quarterly goals, and recording your progress, PHP insured members can potentially win gift cards and other incentives.
Check out the GetPHPFit! platform located at phpni.com, by logging into your PHP member account.
Employers interested in developing wellness programs and initiatives for employees can contact Hannah Hoffman, PHP Wellness Specialist, at hhoffman@phpni.com.